Saturday, September 13, 2014

Magic closets

Ühe tütarlapse riidekapp, olles kasvanud juba küllaltki suureks, on muutunud võlukapiks - selliseks, kust on võimalik avastada uusi lemmikesemeid ka 7 aastat tagasi kappi paigutatute hulgast. Mis siis veel rääkida terve poe mõõtmetes maagilisest garderoobist, kus viimati viskasin igale esemele pilgu peale aasta aega tagasi. Ja see aasta andis uued silmad nii mõnegi eseme nägemiseks! Tegelikult polegi ju eseme iseloom see, mis ta hunnikus või riidepuul seistes justkui edasi annab, vaid ikkagi see, mis temast võib saada - õige kandja, hea hoiaku ja personaalsete sätitamistega. JA SUHTUMISEGA!;) 

A girls closet, when it has grown remarkably, turns into a magic closet - a kind from where it is possible to discover new favorite items among the ones placed there 7 years ago. Not to mention the magic behind a small shop sized closet, in which I managed to take a look at each and every item about a year ago. And this year gave me a new pair of eyes for quite a few items! Indeed, the nature of an item is not necessarily passed on from a hanger or a pile, but what the item could be - with the right wearer, great stance and personal adjustments. AND THE ATTITUDE! ;)

This denim jacket!

These sleeves will probably get some color before I`ll wear it. Although I`m almost sure about taking it for a walk or two already in the beginning of next month on the streets of Ljubljana.

And this is a sleeveless blouse. Not a west. Thats just how I prefer to see it - the other option simply wouldnt be my style to wear.

Yep, that jacket rocks!

The body love!

Changing into a littlebit of a ufo.

Always knew I had the littlebit of it in me. However, thanking my fab little brother Alex for bringing it out! ;)

Not sure if those retro velvet high wasted pants are absolutely ufo style or not at all!


Getting ready for winter, which we all know, can arrive in Estonia at any day. Wish I had been so prepared during our Jaanipäev (Midsummer fest) in June too, when it was pouring hail.

Totally confident that Im prepared now! Ps. The blouse was also among those moving from shops wardrobe into my personal closet. A very practical finding. And perfectly fitting with my love for slightly big clothes.

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