Mäletate seda pisut kummalist, kuid kena kutti Goofy`t Miki Hiire koomiksist? Kuid ta ei ole mitte ainult kummaline tegelane koomiksis, vaid ka minu garderoobis!
Minu Goofy on leidnud kandmist nii paljudel öödel, et muutunud suisa kummituselaadselt läbipaistvaks tegelaseks. Ilmselt pehmuse ja mugavuse tõttu. Kusjuures mitte ainult minu hinnangul - armas sõbranna Elise on külas käies peaaegu alati ööseks just Goofy särki laenata eelistanud!
Remember this slightly awkward, yet nice guy Goofy from Micky Mouse comic books? Well, his not just an awkward character from the comic books. His also an awkward character in my wardrobe!
My Goofy has been worn for so many nights that he has turned into a ghost like see-through creature. Probably because of being very soft and comfy. Not only in my opinion either - dear friend Elise, whenever visiting me, has almost always preferred to borrow this Goofy nightgown for a night over! Haha!
Sexy see-through nightgown!
Ühe parima näitena ribadeks armastatud riideesemest, peaks olema selge, mida Goofy`ga järgmiseks ette võtta. Kuid see pole nii - olen temaga emotsionaalselt väga seotud. Selline rõivaeseme armastus on mind varem tabanud kõigest paar korda. Seega arvan, et annan endale veel õige pisut aega rahuliku südamega minna laskmiseks! :)
PS! Huvitav, kas ja millised kummalised tegelased veel teistegi inimeste garderoobides ringi luurata võivad! ;)
As one of the finest examples of a clothing item loved to pieces, it should be obvious, what to do with Goofy next. But its not - Im completely emotionally involved. Such love for a garment has struck me only a few times before. So I guess Ill give myself a littlebit more time to let go of this awkward crush. :)
PS! I do wonder, if and what kind of awkward garments other people might have lurking around in their closets!
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