Tänane postitus on täpselt sama palju lugu unistusest kui taaskasutusest. Viimaste aastate suved Võsul ühe erakordselt toreda pere juures on pannud mind unistama oma valgest, heledast ja hubasest suvilast. Kuid sellisest, mis lisaks valgetele seinadele, põrandatele, riiulitele, tekstiilidele, nõudele oleks täidetud ka ilusate mustrite, erksate värvide ja huvitavate üksikesemetega. Ja kindlasti jääks see kõik minimalistliku stiili ligilähedusse - liiga palju asju või ebapraktilisi kujukesi muutuvad ruumis minu jaoks koormavaks. Minu nägemus on küllaltki hästi kokku saanud sellel Pinteresti lehel:
Unistuste suvila saab aga unistuste suvilaks alles tänu õigetele, oma looga asjadele, mille igaühe väikesest hingest ja loost moodustub siis kokku suur maja hing. Ja loomulikult ka tänu õigetele inimestele!, kuid tänases postituses sellest ei räägi!
Kujutlesin end hetkeks ka kõiki suvilasse vajalikke asju lihtsalt sisekujundusplaani järgi mõnest kaubamajast kokku ostmas, kuid sain aru, et seda ei ole kunagi juhtumas. Sest selliselt sisustatud suvila oleks minu jaoks lihtsalt peatuspaik - unistan aga hoopis üdini hubasest meele-keha-sõprade-kasside puhkuse kohast! Kohvi-koogi pärastlõunatest, veiniõhtutest, päikeselistest joogatundidest, küünlavalgetest vanniskäikudest, magusatest marjadest, õnnelikest inimestest ja soojadest tubadest.
Siia olen üles pildistanud mõne valiku nõudest, mis võiksid unistuste suvila õnnelike inimeste poolt kasutust leida pikkadel veiniõhtutel ja helgetel kohvi-koogi pärastlõunatel! ;)
Todays blogpost is as much about a dream as much it is about reuse. Those last summers spent in Võsu, with an amazingly lovely family, have given me a dream of my very own white, bright and cozy summerhouse. A kind, which in addition to white walls, floors, shelves, textiles, dishes would be complimented with beautiful patterns, bright colors and interesting one of a kind items. And all of it, most certainly, could only be defined as very close to minimalistic style - since too many items or unpractical statuettes become burdening for me in a room. My vision has come together quite well on this following Pinterest board:
A dream summerhouse, however, becomes a dream summerhouse only because of the right items, each with their unique story and soul adding a piece, until forming the big soul of the whole house. And of course because of the right people!, but thats not a story for today!
For a moment I imagined myself buying all the necessary items for the summerhouse according to a decorating plan from a random department store, and sharply realized that its never going to happen. Simply because a summerhouse decorated like this would be for me nothing more than a stopping place - but I dream about a profoundly cozy mind-body-friends-cats relaxation place! About coffee-cake afternoons, wine-dine nights, sunny yoga hours, candle light baths, sweet berries, happy people and warm rooms.
For this post I photographed some of the dishes that could be used by the happy people of the dream summerhouse during long wine-dine nights and bright coffee-cake afternoons! ;)
This gorgeous white china (with five cups) is the inheritance of my lovely grand aunt Luule - a compliment to her fine taste most certainly!
Oh so retro wine-glasses, also remembrance of grand aunt Luule.
Pust these three cups remain from the original set. A lovely memory of my great-grandmother Linda.
A lonely crystal wine-glass from sweet aunt Luule. I now have a plan to gather a whole set of lonely crystal wine-glasses starting with this one!
This light blue china (a set of six with cake plates) is a gift from my lovely friend Elise (showed her already in the very first blogpost). It was her so lovely mother Eve`s inheritance.
Concentration check! This is how the cup looks like to a person drinking coffee opposite to the person drinking coffee from this cup. However, for seeing how it looks like when drinking from this cup, scroll two photos back up!
This set of six I simply bought from second hand. I rationalized the purchase at a time when I had many coffee-loving guests - simply thinking to myself that when the cups are smaller, then perhaps people will drink less coffee and Id need to prepare less of it. Hahaha! And btw, I absolutely love preparing coffee for all my coffee-loving friends and I absolutely love new retro set of dishes too - probably the two loves are linked as hell!
The bright green one has four plates and eight cups. The light purple one is a full set of six. Of course both bought from charity shops. Both remind me of oh so bright coffee-breaks too!
This coffeepot and sugar-bowl belong to one set and they came from my godmother Ivika when she was reorganizing her dishes and getting rid of the unwanted ones. However, I really like them a lot - so small and cute ones! (Got loads of cute compliments already too.) The white cup is a set of four, bought from a local community shop. Together absolutely mismatched dishes! :)
Cat lovers too use napkins! A lovely memory of Eve and her love for lovely things.
A cute glass bowl full of fresh blueberries - in my dream summerhouse!
Grand-aunt Luule was a cancer sign and so am I. Doesnt mean that Im going to put any dead creatures or myself on it!
Two polka dot ones and a lonesome rider came to me just a few days ago as a gift from little sis Paula! :*
You eat your porridge and booom! you find that strikingly concrete piece of art! What a prize for finishing the dish! ;)
Preowned (yet basically new) retro mugs bought as a present, and perhaps as a small compensation, for the happy people of Võsu summerhouse.
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