See siin on umbes kuu vanune XXL suuruses rippuv lubadus esimesest blogipostitusest 7ndal augustil.
Käesolevaga kuulutan antud lubaduse täidetuks! Kolme minu suurune särk on saanud täpselt parajaks ühele joogatavale-mugavalt-kodusele-minule.
That`s a about a month old XXL sized promise hanging right up here, from my first blogpost on 7th of August.
I hereby declare this promise fulfilled! A triplet me sized shirt, now perfectly fit for one yoga-or-simply-feeling-cozy-at-home-sized-me.
Kusjuures parim osa sellise iseloomutu ja muidu tulevikuta särgi redisainimisel on vabade kätega töötamise kergus. Ja vabade käte all pean siin silmas mõtete nagu - küll oleks kahju kangast, kui valesti ja raisku läheb - puudumist. See on ju tegelikult võimaluse andmine saada eimillestki millekski natukene erilisemaks - omamoodi iseloomu loomine esemele. Ja absoluutselt teine parim asi on see, et mul täiesti unikaalne särk, millele olen kvaliteetse algmaterjali ise valinud ja missugusega ei kõnni mulle terves maailmas keegi teine vastu! Kui just keegi kohe siin seda väljakutsena vastu ei võta! ;)
And the best part about redesigning such a characterless and futureless shirt is being able to work with light hands. And by light hands I mean the lack of thoughts such as - wouldnt it be such a shame if Id ruin the fabric. In fact it is giving this nothing a chance to become something - like creating a new character for this item. The absolute best part, however, is knowing that I have a totally unique shirt for which I have chosen a quality material and that Ill never come across absolutely no one in this world with the same shirt! I dare you! Haha!
Btw. these trousers were an amazing second hand finding - bought new with retro tags, absolutely warm and the waistband is adjustable too! And who even cares that they were made for boys and not for girls!
Miia :)
The cat yoga practitioner - whenever Laura strikes a pose, Miia jumps on her. And whenever the yoga shirt is put down on the sofa, Miia claims it as a napping mattress.
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