Mõni kord võib jõuda ringiga tagasi justkui algusesse.
Sel nädalal käisime linnas korteris veel viimasel poe kraamil järgi (kusjuures hiiglama suure käruga) ja nii avastasingi end vanaisa garaažis just sedasorti olin-kord-juba-siin-dejavu lainelt. Möödunud sügisel pakkisin siin esimesi asju Rimongodi poodi, nüüd sorteerisin aga poest tulnud asju ümber hoopis teistlaadi sihtkohtade tarbeks - esimesed suured kotid läksid juba annetusteks, mõned tulevad veel kodukandi kirbukale, mõndagi kolis redisaini kasti materjaliks, mõndade eriti ägedate esemete saatus on aga veel lahtine.
Selline alguses olemine ei ole aga täpselt alguses olemine, vaid justkui dejavu ammu nähtud unenäost. Just nii (ja ei kuidagi teisiti) lubab seda praegust garaažikogemust defineerida aasta jagu Rimongodi kogemust turjal. Võib öelda, et see tagasi alguses olemine ongi minu jaoks ühe - Rimongodi poepidamise - ringi lõpp ja uue - Rimongodi redisaini - ringi alguses olemine.
Kuid see on ka täpselt õige aeg pausiks, et meenutada kõike sellel ringil kogetut.
(Loomulikult see KÕIK nüüd siia ära ei mahtunud, aga midagi küll. ;) )
Sometimes it is possible to end up almost right where started.
This week we went to pick up from town the last items belonging to Rimongod shop (with a huge wheelbarrow of course) and so I found myself in grandpas garage feeling unbelievably clearly that I-have-already-been-at-this-point. Last autumn I was here packing first items for the shop, but now reorganizing them for a whole punch of different destinations - first big bags already donated, some coming with me to a local flee market, some moved into redesign material box, some especially cool items still undecided.
Being back at this point is not as being exactly in the beginning, but rather as experiencing a dejavu from a long time ago seen dream. Just like this (and no other way) is this garage experience translated into reality through the lens of having a year of Rimongods experience on my back. It would be perhaps true to say that being back in this garage is for me being at the end of one - Rimongods shop keeping - circle and in the beginning of a new - Rimongods redesign - circle.
However, it is also exactly the moment to pause and remember all that what was experienced during this now ending circle.
(Of course not all could fit in here, but some sure did! ;) )
At first there was
..of trying to get the perfect instagram shot..
Not. Lovely Inna and Aaro and me working hard for a couple of hours to prepare wood for future to come shelves at Innas old school.
And then the dance!
So we worked and danced the shop into existence with the help of many lovely people!
100% reuse price tag.
Timmu, the lovely model and an even lovelier friend, came too! :)
Lovely Liilit congratulated us with a hammer and chocolate Kalevipoeg - legendary Estonian strongman-hero - totally nailing it as a perfect gift for all the hard work and heavy lifting! I will probably never ever forget how Aaro and me carried a huge sofa into the shop. All the way up from the stairs, pushing and pressing it in through the front door and then realizing that with no matter how hard pushing, pressing or wishing, it wouldnt fit through the next door. So we pushed and carried it back to the car. And all that took place long-long after the midnight, on the darkest hour! Hahaha!
Then the time was right for first selfies:
Little sis and brother stopped by for cake.
And we enjoyed coffee-cake breaks daily. Nb. Love love looove this second hand bought retro and colorful coffee-service!
Kai most certainly knew how to hang out! Lovely as ever! :)
And then came even more hard working days!
When the going got especially rough, I took a break from work and went down with Titanic. But not before having a Waldorf pudding! ;)
Ps. It was the Titanic exhibition in Tallinn and the passenger whose name I got on my ticket was one of those who didnt survive the trip. On the brighter side - it was a first class ticket, so he could probably have had before that as much Waldorf pudding as he wished.
Back at work I discovered a whole new world - from the backroom window. At night time a world of crazy-bright-eyed cats and at day time a world of normal-eyed cats being bullied by bored crows. Such a fascinating world. :)
With lovely ladies Maris, whose last minute purchase was a new pre-owned jacket and Lenne, who got a new pre-owned denim dress. Reuse at its very best! :)
As the party progressed.. Lovely Jaanika struck a pose.. A two. :)
Outfits are best complimented with a waist pack of choice. And Jaanikas secret agent name is Lovely-So-Much-Fun-Lady! :)
Oliver too experimented with letting out his inner style god. Aaro was most eager to help him with that.
The very next day we packed oh so many bags and oh so fast -> to get to that oh so deserved holiday part oh so fast. :)
And I took my Redesign yourself shirt to work for the last time.
As true as ever! - The beautiful is as useful as the useful. Perhaps more so.
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