Saturday, September 27, 2014

Rubriigist sõbrannade taaskasutusmaailm: Liilit

Et taaskasutusperspektiiv siin blogis liiga üksluiseks ei läheks, on järgnevatel nädalatel jagamas sel teemal mõtteid veel mitu kaunist naishinge! Esimene neist Liilit!
Liilit saatis vastused ja pildi pmst samal momendil, kui mina alles küsimusi! Ps. Liilit on ühe väga hea sõbra õde ja muidu lihtsalt võrratu tšikk! 

To spice up this blogs reuse perspective, several beautiful ladies have agreed to share their ideas on the topic during following weeks! First one of them Liilit!
Liilit sent her answers back almost on the same moment that I was still sending them to her! Ps. Liilit is the sister of a very dear friend of mine and simply an amazing person in all aspects!! :)

Liilit ja vanaema kaabu :)
Liilit and grandmoms hat.

  1. Millisel määral kuulub Sinu elustiili taaskasutus? Väga vähesel. Ainult paar vanaemalt saadud aksessuaari.                          
  2. Kas taaskasutus on Sinu jaoks oluline? Kui ja, siis miks ja kui ei, siis ka miks? Üldises mõistes on see loomulikult oluline, näiteks kui ma saaksin endale lubada pidevalt uusi kalleid asju, siis annaksin vanad asjad ju eest ära. Minu puhul on pigem nii et kannan oma asjad läbi (auklikuks) ja siis ostan uued.                  
  3. Milliste taaskasutust puudutavate eelarvamustega oled kokku puutunud (a la odav = kole, kellegi teise vanade riiete selga panemine on häbiasi jms.)? Riided võivad olla kopitanud lõhnaga mida nad ka on. Minu kolleeg, moeblogija omab palju selliseid riideid ja need lõhnavad ebameeldivalt.                                 
  4. Kas Sul endal on või on olnud mingil perioodil mõni selline arvamus? I experience it first hand.                                 
  5. Millal tutvusid esimest korda sellise mõistega nagu redisain ja mida see sinu jaoks tähendab? Reuse Republicu tegemisi kõrvalt vaadates. St. Vanale uue hoo sisse andmine.                         
  6. Mis on Su praegune lemmik taaskasutus, redisaini ese ja miks? Vanaema kaabu, sest see on aegumatu ja stiilne.                       
  7. Kuidas näed taaskasutusmoe tulevikku? Olles aus siis ei näe, mood on ehitatud üles raha teenimise peale, kvaliteet on langenud. Kiirmood ei ole taaskasutatav ja vähesed disainer riided on liiga kallid et neid laiemalt tarbida, veel kallimad vintage variandis. 

  1. To what extent is reuse a part of Your lifestyle? Very little. Only a couple of accessories from my grandmom.                     
  2. Is reusing important to You? If yes, then why and if no, then also why? In a general sense it is absolutely important, for example if I could regularly afford new expensive things, then Id give the old things away. With me it is more so that I wear my things out ( holey) and then buy new ones.                                          
  3. What kind of reuse related prejudice have You encountered so far (for example cheap = ugly, its shameful to wear garments that used to belong to someone else etc.)? Clothes can smell moldy, which they do. My colleague, a fashion blogger, owns a lot of such clothes and they smell unpleasantly.                                  
  4. Do You personally hold or have held any such opinions? I experience it first hand.                                            
  5. When did You first hear about redesign and what does it mean to You? Seeing the making of Reuse Republic firsthand. It means giving a new go for the old one.                                    
  6.  What is Your current favorite reuse, redesign item and why? Grandmoms hat, because it is ageless and stylish.                   
  7. How do You see reuse-fashion in the future? Frankly I dont see it, fashion industry is built on making money, quality has gone down. Fast fashion is not reusable and a few designers are too expensive for wider consuming, even more so in vintage version.             

Sharing is caring, thank You Liilit! :)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Loved to pieces at night time

Mäletate seda pisut kummalist, kuid kena kutti Goofy`t Miki Hiire koomiksist? Kuid ta ei ole mitte ainult kummaline tegelane koomiksis, vaid ka minu garderoobis!

Minu Goofy on leidnud kandmist nii paljudel öödel, et muutunud suisa kummituselaadselt läbipaistvaks tegelaseks. Ilmselt pehmuse ja mugavuse tõttu. Kusjuures mitte ainult minu hinnangul - armas sõbranna Elise on külas käies peaaegu alati ööseks just Goofy särki laenata eelistanud! 

Remember this slightly awkward, yet nice guy Goofy from Micky Mouse comic books? Well, his not just an awkward character from the comic books. His also an awkward character in my wardrobe!

My Goofy has been worn for so many nights that he has turned into a ghost like see-through creature. Probably because of being very soft and comfy. Not only in my opinion either - dear friend Elise, whenever visiting me, has almost always preferred to borrow this Goofy nightgown for a night over! Haha! 

Sexy see-through nightgown!

Ühe parima näitena ribadeks armastatud riideesemest, peaks olema selge, mida Goofy`ga järgmiseks ette võtta. Kuid see pole nii - olen temaga emotsionaalselt väga seotud. Selline rõivaeseme armastus on mind varem tabanud kõigest paar korda. Seega arvan, et annan endale veel õige pisut aega rahuliku südamega minna laskmiseks! :)

PS! Huvitav, kas ja millised kummalised tegelased veel teistegi inimeste garderoobides ringi luurata võivad! ;)

As one of the finest examples of a clothing item loved to pieces, it should be obvious, what to do with Goofy next. But its not - Im completely emotionally involved. Such love for a garment has struck me only a few times before. So I guess Ill give myself a littlebit more time to let go of this awkward crush. :)

PS! I do wonder, if and what kind of awkward garments other people might have lurking around in their closets!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Embracing Black

Self love is not always so easy to do. For me, the color black in clothing represents just that. Because we all know that black makes one look skinnier - and thats just something very skinny people dont want to look more of. At least not in real life, whole different story with the modeling world of course. 

Kind of a paradox, when considering that very often it is the object of envy too. And when it is an envy thing, it is a blame thing. When I was still working in Tallinn Mercedes Benz representative office, one day I went to the cafe there to grab a coffee and a fresh salad as an addition to my otherwise so unhealthy and fatty lunch meal. I stated the order clearly and got almost a shouting reply repeating my order word for word. While the shouting still echoed over the whole cafe, not only the bartender, but the whole cafe of people examined me from toes to the top of my hair as if they had just gotten the proof of me dieting as hell in order to fit into socially ideal frames of beauty! :D

But it is also a misunderstood thing. People know almost naturally how weight is gained - you just eat and get it. However, even though this rule applies to most, it is not universal and not governing all. I have been this way from the day I was born, no ups and downs in weight, not without exercise, not when I became a vegetarian, not when I eat a huge chocolate bar every single day.

And another thing is, that excess weight is usually considered a TOTALLY TABOO topic, yet someones skinniness completely free to discuss anywhere by anyone and absolutely at random times. Thanks to years of experience I can absolutely tell who is mentioning it as a compliment, who with envy and who is puzzled about it. Yep. :D But I ABSOLUTELY LOVE LOVE those unbelievably sweet people who are trying to feed me loads of all the best foods, because they sincerely wish me to get my stomach full! If they only knew it is a bottomless whole! Hahaha! :)

As for all those people who gain weight more easily - you are the lucky ones to survive any apocalyptic hunger. At least according to BBC doc Why Are Thing People Not Fat! Available with a littlebit poor quality at Youtube too:

One of most recent second hand shopped combos - a top slightly too big too.
Absolutely faux fur! Absolutely quality! Sec hand bought costume, skirt tailored fit for my skinny bum.
Sec hand bought retro dress, also slightly fitted.

So proud of myself finally embracing the black and the skinniness!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Dream bright white, dream reuse

Tänane postitus on täpselt sama palju lugu unistusest kui taaskasutusest. Viimaste aastate suved Võsul ühe erakordselt toreda pere juures on pannud mind unistama oma valgest, heledast ja hubasest suvilast. Kuid sellisest, mis lisaks valgetele seinadele, põrandatele, riiulitele, tekstiilidele, nõudele oleks täidetud ka ilusate mustrite, erksate värvide ja huvitavate üksikesemetega. Ja kindlasti jääks see kõik minimalistliku stiili ligilähedusse - liiga palju asju või ebapraktilisi kujukesi muutuvad ruumis minu jaoks koormavaks. Minu nägemus on küllaltki hästi kokku saanud sellel Pinteresti lehel: 

Unistuste suvila saab aga unistuste suvilaks alles tänu õigetele, oma looga asjadele, mille igaühe väikesest hingest ja loost moodustub siis kokku suur maja hing. Ja loomulikult ka tänu õigetele inimestele!, kuid tänases postituses sellest ei räägi! 
Kujutlesin end hetkeks ka kõiki suvilasse vajalikke asju lihtsalt sisekujundusplaani järgi mõnest kaubamajast kokku ostmas, kuid sain aru, et seda ei ole kunagi juhtumas. Sest selliselt sisustatud suvila oleks minu jaoks lihtsalt peatuspaik - unistan aga hoopis üdini hubasest meele-keha-sõprade-kasside puhkuse kohast! Kohvi-koogi pärastlõunatest, veiniõhtutest, päikeselistest joogatundidest, küünlavalgetest vanniskäikudest, magusatest marjadest, õnnelikest inimestest ja soojadest tubadest. 

Siia olen üles pildistanud mõne valiku nõudest, mis võiksid unistuste suvila õnnelike inimeste poolt kasutust leida pikkadel veiniõhtutel ja helgetel kohvi-koogi pärastlõunatel! ;)

Todays blogpost is as much about a dream as much it is about reuse. Those last summers spent in Võsu, with an amazingly lovely family, have given me a dream of my very own white, bright and cozy summerhouse. A kind, which in addition to white walls, floors, shelves, textiles, dishes would be complimented with beautiful patterns, bright colors and interesting one of a kind items. And all of it, most certainly, could only be defined as very close to minimalistic style - since too many items or unpractical statuettes become burdening for me in a room. My vision has come together quite well on this following Pinterest board: 

A dream summerhouse, however, becomes a dream summerhouse only because of the right items, each with their unique story and soul adding a piece, until forming the big soul of the whole house. And of course because of the right people!, but thats not a story for today!
For a moment I imagined myself buying all the necessary items for the summerhouse according to a decorating plan from a random department store, and sharply realized that its never going to happen. Simply because a summerhouse decorated like this would be for me nothing more than a stopping place - but I dream about a profoundly cozy mind-body-friends-cats relaxation place! About coffee-cake afternoons, wine-dine nights, sunny yoga hours, candle light baths, sweet berries, happy people and warm rooms.

For this post I photographed some of the dishes that could be used by the happy people of the dream summerhouse during long wine-dine nights and bright coffee-cake afternoons! ;)

This gorgeous white china (with five cups) is the inheritance of my lovely grand aunt Luule - a compliment to her fine taste most certainly!

Oh so retro wine-glasses, also remembrance of grand aunt Luule.

Pust these three cups remain from the original set. A lovely memory of my great-grandmother Linda.

A lonely crystal wine-glass from sweet aunt Luule. I now have a plan to gather a whole set of lonely crystal wine-glasses starting with this one!

This light blue china (a set of six with cake plates) is a gift from my lovely friend Elise (showed her already in the very first blogpost). It was her so lovely mother Eve`s inheritance. 

Concentration check! This is how the cup looks like to a person drinking coffee opposite to the person drinking coffee from this cup. However, for seeing how it looks like when drinking from this cup, scroll two photos back up!

This set of six I simply bought from second hand. I rationalized the purchase at a time when I had many coffee-loving guests - simply thinking to myself that when the cups are smaller, then perhaps people will drink less coffee and Id need to prepare less of it. Hahaha! And btw, I absolutely love preparing coffee for all my coffee-loving friends and I absolutely love new retro set of dishes too - probably the two loves are linked as hell!

The bright green one has four plates and eight cups. The light purple one is a full set of six. Of course both bought from charity shops. Both remind me of oh so bright coffee-breaks too!

This coffeepot and sugar-bowl belong to one set and they came from my godmother Ivika when she was reorganizing her dishes and getting rid of the unwanted ones. However, I really like them a lot - so small and cute ones! (Got loads of cute compliments already too.) The white cup is a set of four, bought from a local community shop. Together absolutely mismatched dishes! :)

Cat lovers too use napkins! A lovely memory of Eve and her love for lovely things.

A cute glass bowl full of fresh blueberries - in my dream summerhouse! 

Grand-aunt Luule was a cancer sign and so am I. Doesnt mean that Im going to put any dead creatures or myself on it!

Two polka dot ones and a lonesome rider came to me just a few days ago as a gift from little sis Paula! :*

You eat your porridge and booom! you find that strikingly concrete piece of art! What a prize for finishing the dish! ;)

Preowned (yet basically new) retro mugs bought as a present, and perhaps as a small compensation, for the happy people of Võsu summerhouse.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

A promise kept and worn in a great company

See siin on umbes kuu vanune XXL suuruses rippuv lubadus esimesest blogipostitusest 7ndal augustil.

Käesolevaga kuulutan antud lubaduse täidetuks! Kolme minu suurune särk on saanud täpselt parajaks ühele joogatavale-mugavalt-kodusele-minule.

That`s a about a month old XXL sized promise hanging right up here, from my first blogpost on 7th of August. 

I hereby declare this promise fulfilled! A triplet me sized shirt, now perfectly fit for one yoga-or-simply-feeling-cozy-at-home-sized-me.

Kusjuures parim osa sellise iseloomutu ja muidu tulevikuta särgi redisainimisel on vabade kätega töötamise kergus. Ja vabade käte all pean siin silmas mõtete nagu - küll oleks kahju kangast, kui valesti ja raisku läheb - puudumist. See on ju tegelikult võimaluse andmine saada eimillestki millekski natukene erilisemaks - omamoodi iseloomu loomine esemele. Ja absoluutselt teine parim asi on see, et mul täiesti unikaalne särk, millele olen kvaliteetse algmaterjali ise valinud ja missugusega ei kõnni mulle terves maailmas keegi teine vastu! Kui just keegi kohe siin seda väljakutsena vastu ei võta! ;)

And the best part about redesigning such a characterless and futureless shirt is being able to work with light hands. And by light hands I mean the lack of thoughts such as - wouldnt it be such a shame if Id ruin the fabric. In fact it is giving this nothing a chance to become something - like creating a new character for this item. The absolute best part, however, is knowing that I have a totally unique shirt for which I have chosen a quality material and that Ill never come across absolutely no one in this world with the same shirt! I dare you! Haha!

Btw. these trousers were an amazing second hand finding - bought new with retro tags, absolutely warm and the waistband is adjustable too! And who even cares that they were made for boys and not for girls!


Miia :) 
The cat yoga practitioner - whenever Laura strikes a pose, Miia jumps on her. And whenever the yoga shirt is put down on the sofa, Miia claims it as a napping mattress.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Magic closets

Ühe tütarlapse riidekapp, olles kasvanud juba küllaltki suureks, on muutunud võlukapiks - selliseks, kust on võimalik avastada uusi lemmikesemeid ka 7 aastat tagasi kappi paigutatute hulgast. Mis siis veel rääkida terve poe mõõtmetes maagilisest garderoobist, kus viimati viskasin igale esemele pilgu peale aasta aega tagasi. Ja see aasta andis uued silmad nii mõnegi eseme nägemiseks! Tegelikult polegi ju eseme iseloom see, mis ta hunnikus või riidepuul seistes justkui edasi annab, vaid ikkagi see, mis temast võib saada - õige kandja, hea hoiaku ja personaalsete sätitamistega. JA SUHTUMISEGA!;) 

A girls closet, when it has grown remarkably, turns into a magic closet - a kind from where it is possible to discover new favorite items among the ones placed there 7 years ago. Not to mention the magic behind a small shop sized closet, in which I managed to take a look at each and every item about a year ago. And this year gave me a new pair of eyes for quite a few items! Indeed, the nature of an item is not necessarily passed on from a hanger or a pile, but what the item could be - with the right wearer, great stance and personal adjustments. AND THE ATTITUDE! ;)

This denim jacket!

These sleeves will probably get some color before I`ll wear it. Although I`m almost sure about taking it for a walk or two already in the beginning of next month on the streets of Ljubljana.

And this is a sleeveless blouse. Not a west. Thats just how I prefer to see it - the other option simply wouldnt be my style to wear.

Yep, that jacket rocks!

The body love!

Changing into a littlebit of a ufo.

Always knew I had the littlebit of it in me. However, thanking my fab little brother Alex for bringing it out! ;)

Not sure if those retro velvet high wasted pants are absolutely ufo style or not at all!


Getting ready for winter, which we all know, can arrive in Estonia at any day. Wish I had been so prepared during our Jaanipäev (Midsummer fest) in June too, when it was pouring hail.

Totally confident that Im prepared now! Ps. The blouse was also among those moving from shops wardrobe into my personal closet. A very practical finding. And perfectly fitting with my love for slightly big clothes.