Friday, August 8, 2014

Blueberries, not exactly reuse, but a sweet start for a blog. And a super-power-up snack for brain redesign!!

Rimongodiga ( tegevust alustades tundsin end justkui kala vees. Vähemalt kõiges, mis puudutas taaskasutust ja selle nautimist. Redisaini fantastiliste võimaluste maailma hakkasin laiemalt avastamagi just siis – endale olin loomulikult juba varem esemeid ümber õmmelnud, kuid neid algaja katsetusi ei pidanud eriliselt mainimisväärseks. Redisaini tähtsus hakkas aga kasvama iga ettevõtmisega ja nii ka teosatmisjärjekorda ootavate esemete hulk.

Nüüd, peale füüsilise poe sulgemist, muutus Rimongod laiemat taaskasutusmoodi tähistavast ettevõtmisest redisaini loojaks. Ja seda üpriski praktilistel kaalutlustel – kitsam spetsialiseerumine konkreetselt redisainile võimaldab mõelda projekte rohkem läbi, teostada veel hoolikamalt ning nõnda pakkuda suuremat rahulolu nii vanadele kui uutele taaskasutuskogemuste otsijatele.

Kuid uus suund tekitas ka ühe tühimiku. Nimelt arvan, et redisaini on võimalik päriselt mõista vaid selle laiemas, originaalkontekstis, milleks on taaskasutus.

Taaskasutuse kontekst aitab paremini mõista:
  • ·         Inspiratsiooniallikaid
  • ·         Algmaterjali päritolu
  • ·         Tegijat
  • ·         Kandjat
  • ·         Kohta ühiskonnas
  • ·         Taaskasutusmoe kombineerimist

Selle blogi ülesandeks ongi just sedasorti laiema konteksti pakkumine. Kuid seda läbi ühe inimese maailma ja igapäevaste isiklike (sisemiste) redisainide, mida nõuab taaskasutusmaailma jätkuv avastamine.

Tulge kaasa sellele teekonnale! ;) Ja nautige!

A personal redesign project - half-way done. Also half-way tested at the beach, under almost tropical sun and mild wind conditions. And must I say, very comfy indeed. Perhaps I should`nt be so surprised. After all it`s a redesign done by me for me. :)

 A beach party selfie with sweet Elise. And you need to trust me on this one – the outfit was slightly more than half-way reuse! The upper half of it. And my half.

Soon redesigned into a new yoga shirt. If I were a triplet, then at the moment the three of me`s could fit into this oversized 100% cotton and barely worn shirt.

When I started with Rimongod (, it felt as if swimming in known waters. At least when it came to reuse and enjoying it. This was the time when I started exploring more profoundly those wonderful opportunities of redesigning – even though I had been redoing items for myself, I hardly considered those efforts worthy of mentioning. However, the importance of redesign started to grow with every new undertaking and along with it the list of projects to do.

Now, after the closure of our physical shop, Rimongod went from dealing with reuse fashion on a wider scale to becoming solemnly a redesign creator. And that for very practical reasons – specialising concretely in redesign enables to put more thought into each and every project, carry them through more carefully and therefor provide greater satisfaction to both our old and new reuse experience seekers.

But this new direction also created a void. Namely I believe that it is only possible to truly understand redesign in it`s wider, original context, which is reuse in a broader sense.

The context of reuse helps better understand:
  • ·         Inspirations
  • ·         Origin of source material
  • ·         Redesign doer
  • ·         Redesign wearer
  • ·         Place in the society
  • ·         Matching reuse fashion items

The purpose of this blog is to provide a wider context exactly such as this. But this through one person`s world and daily inner redesigns, which are mandatory for continuing discovering of the reuse world.

Come join me in this journey! ;) Enjoy!

My most recent reuse gift to a dear friend. He loved it!!

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