Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Just nii võib kirjeldada laupäevast redisaini projekti - T-särk väikesele vennale. Nagu eksprompt ette näeb, alustasin sättimise ja lõikamisega veel enne, kui olin jõudnud lõpptulemuse suhtes mingidki mõistlikud ootused välja mõelda. Jäin siiski päris rahule - vb just sellepärast! Sest tavaliselt on lihtsalt pedantselt palju ootuseid ja olen üpriski kindel, et need ühe korraliku T-särgi vaimuga ei sobi!

Mis aga käib eksprompt vaimuga kaasas, on progressi märkamisest tulenev ekstaatiline rõõm ilma  ootuste või hinnanguteta (täpsemini on küll spontaansuse vaim see, kes lubab neil minna lasta juba tekkimise momendil). Ekstaatiline rõõm lubab aga lõigata sisse, lõigata välja, õmmelda kokku ja samal ajal üldse mitte mõelda detailsest lõpptulemusest.

Extempore - done or spoken without preparation. That`s exactly how one could describe the redesign project I ventured on this Saturday - a T-shirt for my little brother. So I started with preparations and cutting way before setting some reasonable goals for the outcome. However, I was quite satisfied with the result - and maybe that`s just why! Since usually I have just too pedantic number of many expectations and I`m pretty sure that it just doesn`t go with the spirit of T-shirt!

However, what most certainly goes with the extempore spirit, is the ecstatic joy of experiencing progress without any expectations or judgement (more precisely it`s the spirit of spontaneous that allows to let them go at the moment they have come up). This joy allows to bravely cut in, cut away, put together and at the same time not to think about a fully detailed outcome!

 In the beginning there was XXL.

Marimekko XXL pärineb ühest kodulähedasest heategevuslikust kaltsukast. Algselt ostetud sai aga silmas pidades sellist redisaini projekti, kus oleks kasutusse läinud ainult väljalõigatud mustriosa.

This exquisite garment of marimekko XXL came from a local charity second hand shop and was originally bought with another project in mind, such where only the ornament detail would have been cut out and used. 

Then scissors..

Ja kuna väikevend on 10ne aastasena veel vaid u. 10cm väiksem, siis sain võtta mõõdud enda särgi järgi. Lühiajaline olukord, mida kavatsen kindlasti veel ära kasutada.

And well worth mentioning is the fact that my little brother is at 10 years of age just about 10cm littler. A temporary situation which I fully intend to take advantage of.

 And last but not least - marimekko disappeared. Or lets say, was hidden under a carefully crafted (seriously, it took almost as long as cutting and sewing processes combined) bow tie.

Nüüd mõtlen juba sarnasest spontaansest projektist. Asja iroonia seisneb loomulikult selles, et kuigi spontaanseks tulevast planeeritud-spontaanset-projekti enam nimetada ei saa! Et aga luua ellu rohkem spontaansust ja leida rohkem unikaalseid redisaini projekte - no selle väljakutse võtan igal juhul vastu!

The irony is, however, the fact that this experience of spontaneous joy made me already plan another one extempore project. How spontaneous of me, right? But to create more spontaneity in my life and find more unique redesign projects - well that`s a challenge I do accept!

Alex and his finger taking photos of his new shirt (and me). The table is purely decorative - obviously. And so is the house - obviously!


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