Friday, August 29, 2014

Game of Shadows and Colors

Suurepärases korras eseme ümbertegemine on hämar ettevõtmine. Enne millegi sellisega alustamist tuleks hoolikalt kaaluda, kas konkreetne ese on seda aega ja pingutust väärt. Või oleks hoopis tunduvalt mõistlikum anda ese edasi kellegile, kes sellest originaalvormis lugu peab - sõbrannale või taaskasutuskogukonnale.

Redoing something that could very well do without, is shady business. Before venturing down that path, one needs to carefully consider if a concrete piece deserves the time and effort. Or would it simply be more reasonable to pass it on - either to a friend or second hand community. 

Before. In the old times, when it was still black and white.

Mõtlesin seega asja üle. Jakk oli mul juba olemas -> See meeldis mulle -> Ja see istus hästi (märkimisväärne omadus kõigile, kes tuttavad xxs suuruse šoppamise keerukusega - ühtlasi üks peamisi põhjuseid, miks redisaini armusin). Ainus asi, mis ei meeldinud, olid need mittemidagiütlevad metallist nööbid..

Ja leidsin aja. Võtsin välja karbi kokkukogutud nööpidega -> Valisin välja ainult üksikud nööbid -> Võtsin ereda oranži niidi -> Alustasin kodus kiiruga etteõmblemist -> Viimased sain paika juba sõidus, auto tagaistmel. Ning tulemus on kõike muud kui mittemidagiütlev:

So I thought about it. I already had the jacket -> I liked it -> And it sits well (a remarkable property for anyone who knows the difficulty of shopping xxs - also a major factor for me falling in love with redesign). The only thing I didn`t like were those blunt metal buttons.. 

And I found the time. Got out a box with collected buttons -> Chose only lonely buttons -> Got out a bright orange thread -> Started buttoning hurriedly at home -> Finished the last ones on the back seat of a car. And the result is anything but blunt:

Seda lõbusat-omanäolist jakki otsustasin kanda aga vähem lõbusate esmetega. Lihtsalt sellepärast, et juba väljas olles võib sattuda olukorda, kus eelistaksin olla pigem tõsiseltvõetav. Kohe nii roosa, sinise, kuldse nööbi jagu tõsiseltvõetav! ;)

However, I decided to wear this jolly-funky jacket with other less jolly items. Just because being already out, I might encounter a situation where I`d actually want to be taken seriously. Oh so seriously with this pink, blue and golden buttoned jacket! ;)

It aint easy facing the sun. And the shadow-self aint having any of that pink, blue, golden buttons stuff.

Ps. Sain selle jaki sõbrannalt - ilmselgelt oli tema jaoks mõistlikum anda see edasi kui harjutada õmblemist sõitva auto tagaistmel.
Pps. Saapad on samuti second hand, kuigi neid oli enne kaltsuka poodi saabumist vist küll vaid jalga proovitud.

Ps. I got this jacket from a friend - obviously it was more reasonable for her to pass it on than to start practicing sewing on the back seat of a driving car.
Pps. Boots are second hand too, although they had probably just been tried on before ending up in a community shop.



Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Multifunctionality at it`s simplest

Võib kõlada kummaliselt, kuid mõni kord vajab tütarlaps kõige lihtsamaid riietusesemeid selleks, et särada. 

Viimane aasta on minu jaoks üheks selliseks esemeks olnud väga mitu numbrit suurem tumehall kampsik. Alguses ostetud second handist kellegile teisele, kes isegi ei saanud teada sedasorti plaanist, kuna juhtusin kampsikut selga proovima. Uudishimu, mis muud. Kampsikul on minu maailmas kolm erinevat kandmisviisi: 

It might sound bizarre, but sometimes a girl just needs the simplest clothes, in order to shine.

For about a year or so a dark grey several numbers too big sweater has been exactly such an item for me. Originally bought it from second hand having in mind someone else, who to this very day hasn`t even heard about such a plan, since I happened to try it on. Curiosity, what else can I say. In my world the sweater has three possible wearing options:

In grey woods with jeans and sneakers.

Nr. 1 grey with retro grey boots and a retro ex-costume skirt, significantly shorter than originally. And a smile. :) Oh, and somebody else there too - didn`t tell me her name though.

Nr. 1 as a grey dress.
I`ve always wondered about fashionistas from tropical countries wearing short skirts/ dresses with boots in total summer conditions. (Perhaps you have seen some of such examples in Latin American soap operas?) Well I still find it bizarre and that`s why I usually wear my grey dress starting from autumn to spring with black tights. And tights are way cooler than cystitis! ;)

 And I climbed a rock - just because I can. Nb. The boots did not slip not even once (perhaps that`s why I could), wonderful winter wear!

Ja heade asjadega on ikka nii, et neid ei saa kunagi liiga palju. Tegelikult siiski saab. Kuid kaks ei ole liiga palju ühegi standardi järgi. Või vähemalt nii ma mõtlesin, kui nägin halli nr. 2, mis on täpselt sama värvi ja disainiga kui hall nr. 1. Kuid mulle ainult numbri või paar suur. Sellest väikesest erinevusest lähtuvalt on kampsiku kandmiseks kõigest kaks erinevat viisi:

And the thing with good things is that you can never have too many. Or well, you can. But two is not too many by any standards. Or at least that`s what I thought when I saw the grey nr. 2 (just hanging there in the second hand shop), which is exactly the same color and design as the grey nr. 1. However, it`s significantly less too big for me - a size or so. And due to that minute difference, it has only two possible combining options:

Nr. 2 grey - wear it in the woods, running! Preferably not from someone, but rather to someone.

And you can always spicy it up with some color.

Nr. 2 grey. Good to go with the same skirt, the same boots and the same smile.

Kusjuures, need garderoobi mugavate kategooria esihitid on algselt loodud hoopis meessoo esindajaid silmas pidades. Kuid see on ju meie liberaalses Euroopas nii keda-huvitab-kuni-näeb-kena-välja detail. (Loomulikult on kena väga subjektiivne mõiste.)

And those two grey`s that excel in the category of my comfy`s, were originally created for male anatomy. However, in our liberal Europe it is such a who-could-care-less-as-long-as-it-looks-good detail. (Of course, what looks good is a very subjective matter.)

Holy cow, I just realised there is a cow staring at me trying to pose! - Just could NOT stop myself from making a joke so obviously not funny, since I already had a picture to go with it! :D

Nagu piltidest järeldada võib, siis emal ja minul oli ümberkaudses metsas uskumatult lõbus ringi sõita ja peatuda suvalistes kohtades, et teha ka üpriski suvalisi fotosid. Aitäh emps! :-*

Rääkimata, et metsiku lehma nägemine lihtsalt viis missioonile jagama ka muu maailmaga fotosid haruldasest loomast!
*Metsik lehm - viitab antud kontekstis lehmale, kes oma elu jooksul ka õue pääsenud.

As you can probably conclude from the photos, mom and me, we were having a blast touring our nearby forest and stopping at random places to take also quite random photos. So thanks Mom! :-*

Not to mention that the sight of a wild cow just made me embark on a mission to share the photos of this rare animal with rest of the world!
*Wild cow - in this context referring to a cow, who has been outside.

Postituse lõpetamine võrratult rõõmsate lehmadega tundub just täpselt sobiv:

Ending this post with amazingly joyful cows, seems only quite fit:

Ja ärge unustage, et suvi kestab veel - hoolimata isegi mõnest vihmapiisast! :)

And don`t forget that summer still lasts - even despite of a few raindrops - SO PLENTY OF TIME TO GO SIGHTSEEING!!

Monday, August 18, 2014


On Saturday I went shopping (second hand of course) and this is what I got. A revealing black top, that can be worn either as very revealing (belly too) or just revealing - as it is currently matched with a very high wasted skirt. Yes, not showing the skirt - I`m just hoping there is still room left for imagination! However, next post will be a lot longer one - about an exquisite gray piece of garment that I got with it! :)

PS. This top is perrrfect for showing off exactly how much of backbone one has got! Haha!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Just nii võib kirjeldada laupäevast redisaini projekti - T-särk väikesele vennale. Nagu eksprompt ette näeb, alustasin sättimise ja lõikamisega veel enne, kui olin jõudnud lõpptulemuse suhtes mingidki mõistlikud ootused välja mõelda. Jäin siiski päris rahule - vb just sellepärast! Sest tavaliselt on lihtsalt pedantselt palju ootuseid ja olen üpriski kindel, et need ühe korraliku T-särgi vaimuga ei sobi!

Mis aga käib eksprompt vaimuga kaasas, on progressi märkamisest tulenev ekstaatiline rõõm ilma  ootuste või hinnanguteta (täpsemini on küll spontaansuse vaim see, kes lubab neil minna lasta juba tekkimise momendil). Ekstaatiline rõõm lubab aga lõigata sisse, lõigata välja, õmmelda kokku ja samal ajal üldse mitte mõelda detailsest lõpptulemusest.

Extempore - done or spoken without preparation. That`s exactly how one could describe the redesign project I ventured on this Saturday - a T-shirt for my little brother. So I started with preparations and cutting way before setting some reasonable goals for the outcome. However, I was quite satisfied with the result - and maybe that`s just why! Since usually I have just too pedantic number of many expectations and I`m pretty sure that it just doesn`t go with the spirit of T-shirt!

However, what most certainly goes with the extempore spirit, is the ecstatic joy of experiencing progress without any expectations or judgement (more precisely it`s the spirit of spontaneous that allows to let them go at the moment they have come up). This joy allows to bravely cut in, cut away, put together and at the same time not to think about a fully detailed outcome!

 In the beginning there was XXL.

Marimekko XXL pärineb ühest kodulähedasest heategevuslikust kaltsukast. Algselt ostetud sai aga silmas pidades sellist redisaini projekti, kus oleks kasutusse läinud ainult väljalõigatud mustriosa.

This exquisite garment of marimekko XXL came from a local charity second hand shop and was originally bought with another project in mind, such where only the ornament detail would have been cut out and used. 

Then scissors..

Ja kuna väikevend on 10ne aastasena veel vaid u. 10cm väiksem, siis sain võtta mõõdud enda särgi järgi. Lühiajaline olukord, mida kavatsen kindlasti veel ära kasutada.

And well worth mentioning is the fact that my little brother is at 10 years of age just about 10cm littler. A temporary situation which I fully intend to take advantage of.

 And last but not least - marimekko disappeared. Or lets say, was hidden under a carefully crafted (seriously, it took almost as long as cutting and sewing processes combined) bow tie.

Nüüd mõtlen juba sarnasest spontaansest projektist. Asja iroonia seisneb loomulikult selles, et kuigi spontaanseks tulevast planeeritud-spontaanset-projekti enam nimetada ei saa! Et aga luua ellu rohkem spontaansust ja leida rohkem unikaalseid redisaini projekte - no selle väljakutse võtan igal juhul vastu!

The irony is, however, the fact that this experience of spontaneous joy made me already plan another one extempore project. How spontaneous of me, right? But to create more spontaneity in my life and find more unique redesign projects - well that`s a challenge I do accept!

Alex and his finger taking photos of his new shirt (and me). The table is purely decorative - obviously. And so is the house - obviously!


Friday, August 8, 2014

Blueberries, not exactly reuse, but a sweet start for a blog. And a super-power-up snack for brain redesign!!

Rimongodiga ( tegevust alustades tundsin end justkui kala vees. Vähemalt kõiges, mis puudutas taaskasutust ja selle nautimist. Redisaini fantastiliste võimaluste maailma hakkasin laiemalt avastamagi just siis – endale olin loomulikult juba varem esemeid ümber õmmelnud, kuid neid algaja katsetusi ei pidanud eriliselt mainimisväärseks. Redisaini tähtsus hakkas aga kasvama iga ettevõtmisega ja nii ka teosatmisjärjekorda ootavate esemete hulk.

Nüüd, peale füüsilise poe sulgemist, muutus Rimongod laiemat taaskasutusmoodi tähistavast ettevõtmisest redisaini loojaks. Ja seda üpriski praktilistel kaalutlustel – kitsam spetsialiseerumine konkreetselt redisainile võimaldab mõelda projekte rohkem läbi, teostada veel hoolikamalt ning nõnda pakkuda suuremat rahulolu nii vanadele kui uutele taaskasutuskogemuste otsijatele.

Kuid uus suund tekitas ka ühe tühimiku. Nimelt arvan, et redisaini on võimalik päriselt mõista vaid selle laiemas, originaalkontekstis, milleks on taaskasutus.

Taaskasutuse kontekst aitab paremini mõista:
  • ·         Inspiratsiooniallikaid
  • ·         Algmaterjali päritolu
  • ·         Tegijat
  • ·         Kandjat
  • ·         Kohta ühiskonnas
  • ·         Taaskasutusmoe kombineerimist

Selle blogi ülesandeks ongi just sedasorti laiema konteksti pakkumine. Kuid seda läbi ühe inimese maailma ja igapäevaste isiklike (sisemiste) redisainide, mida nõuab taaskasutusmaailma jätkuv avastamine.

Tulge kaasa sellele teekonnale! ;) Ja nautige!

A personal redesign project - half-way done. Also half-way tested at the beach, under almost tropical sun and mild wind conditions. And must I say, very comfy indeed. Perhaps I should`nt be so surprised. After all it`s a redesign done by me for me. :)

 A beach party selfie with sweet Elise. And you need to trust me on this one – the outfit was slightly more than half-way reuse! The upper half of it. And my half.

Soon redesigned into a new yoga shirt. If I were a triplet, then at the moment the three of me`s could fit into this oversized 100% cotton and barely worn shirt.

When I started with Rimongod (, it felt as if swimming in known waters. At least when it came to reuse and enjoying it. This was the time when I started exploring more profoundly those wonderful opportunities of redesigning – even though I had been redoing items for myself, I hardly considered those efforts worthy of mentioning. However, the importance of redesign started to grow with every new undertaking and along with it the list of projects to do.

Now, after the closure of our physical shop, Rimongod went from dealing with reuse fashion on a wider scale to becoming solemnly a redesign creator. And that for very practical reasons – specialising concretely in redesign enables to put more thought into each and every project, carry them through more carefully and therefor provide greater satisfaction to both our old and new reuse experience seekers.

But this new direction also created a void. Namely I believe that it is only possible to truly understand redesign in it`s wider, original context, which is reuse in a broader sense.

The context of reuse helps better understand:
  • ·         Inspirations
  • ·         Origin of source material
  • ·         Redesign doer
  • ·         Redesign wearer
  • ·         Place in the society
  • ·         Matching reuse fashion items

The purpose of this blog is to provide a wider context exactly such as this. But this through one person`s world and daily inner redesigns, which are mandatory for continuing discovering of the reuse world.

Come join me in this journey! ;) Enjoy!

My most recent reuse gift to a dear friend. He loved it!!