Saturday, October 25, 2014

Rubriigist sõbrannade taaskasutusmaailm: Nele

Et taaskasutusperspektiiv siin blogis liiga üksluiseks ei läheks, on järgnevatel nädalatel jagamas sel teemal mõtteid veel mitu kaunist naishinge! Kolmas neist Nele! Minu väga armas sõbranna, kes paistab ennekõike silma oma über-särava naiselikkusega! 

To spice up this blogs reuse perspective, several beautiful ladies have agreed to share their ideas on the topic during following weeks! Third one of them Nele! My dear friend who simply radiates über-glowing femininity!   

Nele litter-sametkleit!
Neles glitter-velvet dress! Just as über-glowing as Nele herself! ;)

  1. Millisel määral kuulub Sinu elustiili taaskasutus? Natukene. Olen järjest enam hakanud käima kaltsukatest ning leidnud sealt üht teist. Varem eelistasin rohkem päris uusi riideid.                                                 
  2. Kas taaskasutus on Sinu jaoks oluline? Kui ja, siis miks ja kui ei, siis ka miks? Keskmiselt oluline. Tegelen sellega siis kui ei leia tavalisest poest midagi erilist. Ja seda juhtub praegu juba üsna tihti.                                                        
  3. Milliste taaskasutust puudutavate eelarvamustega oled kokku puutunud (a la odav = kole, kellegi teise vanade riiete selga panemine on häbiasi jms.)? Olen ise tundund, et ei tea kas on ikka päris puhtad riideid. Aga muud ei ole kuulnud.                                                      
  4. Kas Sul endal on või on olnud mingil perioodil mõni selline arvamus? See lõhn mis taaskasutuse poodidest vastu lõhnab on mind ära peletanud. Olen pidanud kaltsukatest käima tänu oma tööle palju ja siis olen alati ka midagi endale leidnud. Hea hinnaga veel ka. Ja ägedaid ootamatuid leide on.                                                       
  5. Millal tutvusid esimest korda sellise mõistega nagu redisain ja mida see sinu jaoks tähendab? Olin Reet Ausi kaudu kuulnud sellest ja siis tegi Laura Välik oma poe Rimongod - voila!                                         
  6. Mis on Su praegune lemmik taaskasutus, redisaini ese ja miks? Kleit, mille ostsin Tartust USA ballikleitide kaltsukast. Selles poes oli üks tuba maast kaelani ballikleite täis. Ronisid kuhja otsa ja kaevasid omale aardeid. See pood on nüüd muutunud ja enam sellist võimalust kahjuks ei ole.                                                                     
  7. Kuidas näed taaskasutusmoe tulevikku? Eredat. Riideid tehakse liiga palju. Redisain on täiesti tuleviku teema. Eksklusiivsem ja toimiks vastavalt tarbimisele.

  1. To what extent is reuse a part of Your lifestyle? A littlebit. I have started to visit second hand shops more and more and also then found a thing or two. I used to, however, prefer more new clothes before.                                                                
  2. Is reusing important to You? If yes, then why and if no, then also why? Somewhat important. I do it when I dont find something special from regular shops. And recently it has been happening so quite often.                                                                         
  3. What kind of reuse related prejudice have You encountered so far (for example cheap = ugly, its shameful to wear garments that used to belong to someone else etc.)? I have had the realization that Im not quite sure if the clothes are really clean or not. But havent heard anything else.                                                         
  4. Do You personally hold or have held any such opinions? The smell that comes from the reuse shops has driven me away. Due to my work I have needed to visit a lot of second hand shops and then I have also found something for myself. And with a good prize too. And there have been unexpectedly awesome findings too.                                     
  5. When did You first hear about redesign and what does it mean to You? I had heard about it through Reet Aus and then Laura Välik made her shop Rimongod - voila!                                                  
  6.  What is Your current favorite reuse, redesign item and why? A dress which I bought in Tartu from a US ball dresses second hand shop. In this shop there was a whole room filled with ball dresses from floor to the neck. (Nele`s figure of speech ;) ) You climbed on top of the pile and digged treasures for yourself. This shop has now changed and unfortunately such a possibility doesnt exist anymore.                                                                              
  7. How do You see reuse-fashion in the future? Bright. Too many clothes are being made. Redesign is completely a future topic. More exclusive and would be produced according to demand.

Sharing is caring, thank You Nele! :)

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Talvetuuled koerte ja sügisjakkide maal / Winterwinds in the land of dogs and autumn jackets

Enne kui talvetuuled päriselt kohale jõuavad ja kõiki liiga õhukeselt riietunuid ära puhuma hakkavad, otsustasin näidata ühte oma top 2 lemmikuimast vara-sügisesest (üpriski sama kui hilis-kevadine või lihtsalt Eesti-suvine) jakist.

See jakk kuulus sõbra Aaro vanaemale Aliidele. Olen väga uhke, et see nüüd minu garderoobi ehib. Alguses ei olnud päris kindel selles, millega või kuhu jakki kanda, kuid aja möödudes hakkasin nägema, et see sobib kõigega ja igale poole!

Before the winterwinds actually arrive and start carrying away all those people who are way underdressed, I decided to show you one of my top 2 favorite early-autumn (pretty much the same as late-spring or just Estonian-summer) jackets. 

This jacket belonged to my friend Aaro`s grandmother Aliide. And Im only so proud to have it in my wardrobe. At first I wasnt quite sure with what or to where wear it, but as time passed, I started to see that it goes with everything and anywhere!

This is it!

Ja kui mina keskendusin jakile, siis Roki oli juba otsustanud kogu selle tähelepanu endale saada! Ei saanud ju mitte keelduda! ;)

And while I was all about the jacket, then Roki was all about gimme-some-attention! Couldnt deny him that. ;)

Pretty skilled at dog customs!

 In detail.

In Ljubljana with Kai and Jana (behind the camera). :)
Alex ja Jana, aitähh Teile piltide eest! Ja emmele aitähh suurepäraste pannkookide eest, mida Alexiga peale rasket pildistamist nautida saime! ;)

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Rubriigist sõbrannade taaskasutusmaailm: Kai

Et taaskasutusperspektiiv siin blogis liiga üksluiseks ei läheks, on järgnevatel nädalatel jagamas sel teemal mõtteid veel mitu kaunist naishinge! Teine neist Kai!
Kai on minu väga-väga hea sõbranna juba aastast 2008, kui Azerbaidžaani reisil kohtusime ja muidu superkuul seltsiline igas olukorras ja igaks elujuhtumiks! 

To spice up this blogs reuse perspective, several beautiful ladies have agreed to share their ideas on the topic during following weeks! Second one of them Kai!

Yep Kai, getting warm already! ;)

1.   Millisel määral kuulub Sinu elustiili taaskasutus? Second hand riidete näol peamiselt.

2.  Kas taaskasutus on Sinu jaoks oluline? Kui ja, siis miks ja kui ei, siis ka miks? Jah, sest ei ole ju nii, et surres võidab see kel rohkme asju. Taaskasutuse taga on 1 oluline mõõde, anda asjadele vähemalt teine võimalus - see on oluline väärtus.

3.  Milliste taaskasutust puudutavate eelarvamustega oled kokku puutunud (a la odav = kole, kellegi teise vanade riiete selga panemine on häbiasi jms.)? Viimasel ajal ei olegi, kui see sinu lõhnajutt va-ta.

4. Kas Sul endal on või on olnud mingil perioodil mõni selline arvamus? Jah, second hand'ist ostavad need, kellel ei ole raha.  90ndate väikelinna mentaliteet, noh:)

5. Millal tutvusid esimest korda sellise mõistega nagu redisain ja mida see sinu jaoks tähendab? Paar aastat tagasi Reet Ausi loomingu läbi. Tähendab mingi eseme (riide, mööbli, jne) ümbermõtestamist ning uue look'i või funktsiooni andmist.

6. Mis on Su praegune lemmik taaskasutus, redisaini ese ja miks? Alpaka villast kampsun – seda on soe kanda ja soe vaadata ehk kõikidel on soe.

7.  Kuidas näed taaskasutusmoe tulevikku? Ma näen seda edenemas, tegelikult mistahes taaskasutust. Kuna asju on nii palju, siis ümbertegemisrõõmu peaks jaguma kuhjaga ja kõigile.

8. Sooviksid taaskasutuse kohta veel midagi öelda või mõnda isiklikku kogemust, lugu jagada? :*

1.  To what extent is reuse a part of Your lifestyle? Second hand clothes mostly.

2.  Is reusing important to You? If yes, then why and if no, then also why? Yes, because its not like that who has the most things by the time they will die wins. There is an important dimension behind reuse, to give things a second chance – thats an important value.

3.  What kind of reuse related prejudice have You encountered so far (for example cheap = ugly, its shameful to wear garments that used to belong to someone else etc.)? Recently I havent, not including this smell story of yours.

4.  Do You personally hold or have held any such opinions? Yes, from second hand buy those who dont have money. 90ies little city mentalityJ

5.  When did You first hear about redesign and what does it mean to You? A couple of years ago through the creation of Reet Aus. It means redefining an item (cloth, furniture etc.) and giving it a new look or function.

6.  What is Your current favorite reuse, redesign item and why? A sweater from alpaca wool – it is warm to wear and warm to look at, so everyone is feeling warm.

7.  How do You see reuse-fashion in the future? I see it progressing, in fact it goes for all kinds of reuse. Since there are so many things, there should be plenty of redoing joy for everyone in large quantities.

8.  Would you like to say something more about reuse or share a personal story? :*

Sharing is caring, thank You Kai! :)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Thank you for sharing and caring, Slovenia

Quaint Ljubljana - bridges, houses, channel. Btw, the city moves in a lot more relaxed pace and people dress more casual-comfy. Walking in the city center definitely didnt feel like walking in a capitals center.

So SLOVEnia - Ljubljana and Ptuj. Came here to learn more about saving the world. The project I participated in (today was the last day) is called My life, My message and aimed to developing global citizenship* skills, competencies, as well as creating global educators. 

Overall I can say that it has been just magically wonderful to spend time with people who share the same hope of sustainable future for humankind and environment. Totally broad term, of course, but so true for me in this context. It has been especially fascinating to peak into fellow-participants ideas and lifestyles – which vary from vegetarianism, recycling, upcycling, reusing, avoiding plastic package, being active in society, minimizing water or electricity consumption to dumpster diving**.

* Global citizenship - In broad usage, the term global citizenship or world citizenship typically defines a person who places their identity with a "global community" above their identity as a citizen of a particular nation or place. The idea is that one’s identity transcends geography or political borders and that the planetary human community is interdependent and whole; humankind is essentially one. 

** Yep, dumpster diving! Participants Hannes and Kaloyan made a workshop, which took my team looking for food from dumpsters. And not only looking! Yoana was the brave lady to grab an apple (totally fresh looking btw) from the dumpster. And then it was washed, cut into pieces and offered for eating to all participants without telling where it came from. Most ate it with pleasure. However, after the apples origin was announced, somewhat controversial discussion opened. But what we didnt know at that time, was that the dumpster apple had been replaced with an apple from the restaurant. What a surprise it was! 
This exercise is definitely one to remember! It offered such a first hand perspective into homeless persons lifestyle and at the same time illustrated, how much of absolutely eatable, fresh food is being thrown away..

Going in! Yoana and eagerly-helping Hannes! :)

But what I have been enjoying THE MOST, has been connecting with some especially lovely, smart, strong, fun and in so many different ways inspiring people! Absolutely thankful for those moments!

Margarida, Kai, me, Yoana climbing to Ptuj castle.

Yoana, Jana, Margarida, Kai. 

Vegetarian cafe in Ljubljana looked and felt very much like our homey-unbelievably-hipster-Kalamaja!

 Slovenians got it all figured out!

Except for the creepy church doors perhaps! :D (Totally Necromongers style from the movie The Chronicles of Riddick!)

Cakes make me happy! Btw, blouse from second hand.

Kai, Jana (sweetest fellow travelers ever), Ülkü, Ünal, Berrin (among the most wonderful and inspiring Turkish friends I have made so far and a special thanks for being so patient helping me practice Turkish), Hannes (yep, we still got some topics to cover:),Nina (as lovely as one roommate can ever be!), Elina, Marta, Margarida, Carlos (so loved the spiderman move and keep up the good work in Portugal), Alexandra, Adrian, Yoana (keeping fingers crossed for the academy and also for the Impossible project!!), Kaloyan (your easygoingness is just amazing!), Diana, Andrea, Oana!

And a HUGE thanks to Branko, our nicest, friendliest, most fun Ljubljana host! :)


Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Üks asi on redisaini teha, teine asi seda elada. Täna mina elan redisaini täiel rinnal.

Tegin oma viimase lennu oktoobris 2010 - ehk siis peaaegu-täpselt 4 aastat tagasi. Helsinki-Istanbul-Gaziantep ja punkt. Tagasi tulin juba bussiga, reis kestis 4 ööpäeva ja:

  • Oli ohtlik - teel Gaziantepist Istanbuli jäi bussijuht magama ja ärkasin sireeni peale, mida otse vastu sõitev rekkajuht tuututas. Kusjuures istusin esimesel istmel ja nautisin pmst VIPi vaadet! ;)
  • Oli sõbralik - teel Istanbulist Sofiasse pani lahke türklane mulle öösõidu ajal padja pea alla ning tegi varahommikul Sofias kohvi välja. 
  • Oli multikultuurne - Serbia narkokontrolli ja reisijatega sai rääkida nii algaja türgi, saksa, vene kui ka mitte nii algaja inglise keelt. Kõik arvasid, et olen mingi väga kummaline üksik reisija. Ilmselt olingi.
  • Oli segadusttekitav - õhtul Budapesti jõudes sai selgeks, et sealt edasi otse Poola poole läheb buss ainult kaks korda nädalas. 
  • Oli spontaanne - Budapestis hüppasin 15 minuti jooksul tehtud otsuse ja altkäemaksuga Praha bussile. 
  • Oli sujuv - Prahast sai ilusti ainult paaritunnise vahega viimase koha bussile, mis sõitis ka Tallinnas, mulle oli ruumi aga ainult Vilniuseni. 
  • Oli vastutulelik - Vilniuse ööpimeduses bussijaama astudes tuli bussijuht välja ja ütles, et ruumi on mulle ka Tallinnani, kus ma ikka niimoodi öösel ja üksinda ühe lambiga bussijaama jään. 
  • Kuid ennekõike oli see reis väga väsitav!

Ma ei läinud enda hirmu maha murdma, vaid lasin sellel seedida. Käisin teraapias, vaatasin lennukeid ja lihtsalt lasin sel olla. 

Tegelikult olin juba kord üritanud seda hirmu murda. Mitmeid aastaid pidasin lendamist väga igavaks ja ei kartnud isegi kord äikesetormis õhkutõusu. Kuid aja möödudes hakkas väike hirm tekkima ja mida rohkem seda otserünnakuga murdsin ja maha laitsin, seda suuremaks kasvas. 

Vot siis, aga täna lähen Sloveeniasse! Ja kõigest sellest, ka kaasapakitud taaskasutus-outfitidest, juba järgmiste nädalate jooksul, mil seal maailma päästmise kohta õpin, Ljubljanat avastan ja spas kuumaveeallikaid naudin! ;)

 Selfie - me and sleeping Kai in Helsinki airport, Jana sitting right to me. Feeling like the queen of the world for having made my first flight after four years from Tallinn to Helsinki! Juhuu! :D

Its one thing to do redesign, another thing to live it. 

My last flight was in October 2010 - almost exactly 4 years ago. Helsinki-Istanbul-Gaziantep and full stop. Back I came already by bus, the trip lasted 4 nights and days and:

  • Was dangerous - on the way from Gaziantep to Istanbul I woke up to sirens coming from a truck heading straight forward us. And I was sitting first row, kind of a VIP view! ;)
  • Was friendly - on the way from Istanbul to Sofia a friendly Turk tucked a pillow under my head and brought morning coffee already in Sofia.
  • Was multicultural - with Serbian drug control and bus travelers could practice my beginners Turkish, German, Russian, as well as not so beginners English. Everyone thought I was somekind of a strange lonely traveler. And probably I was.
  • Was confusing - after arriving to Budapest late in the evening it became clear that bus leaves to Poland only twice a week.
  • Was spontaneous - during 15 minutes I decided in Budapest to jump on a bus to Prague and payed the bribe, so I could hop on.
  • Was smooth - from Prague a bus left to Tallinn only with a couple hours difference and I got the last place until Vilnius.
  • Was complying - when I stepped into the darkness of Vilnius bus station, the bus driver came out and said that there is room for me until Tallinn too, how could I stay in the night time in this bus station with one lamp only.
  • But most of all, it was tiring.
I didnt aim for braking the fear down, I digested it. Went to therapy, did plane spotting and just let it be. 

Actually I already had tried to break it down. For several years I had considered flying to be very boring and didnt feel fearful even on a take off during thunder storm. But during travels a little fear started to develop, and the more I faced it head on by discrediting, the more it grew.

And today Im going to Slovenia, by plane. About it, as well as about the reuse-outfits packed along, during next weeks, when Ill be discovering Ljubljana city life, learning about saving the world and enjoying the hot springs in a spa! ;)

Right before the trip at 4 a.m. trying out all natural henna hair color!