Nail polish
Make up
Clothes in all shapes, sizes and colors
A very fitting quote from Tallinn Old Town. Those games we* play. At least once a week, but most of them even daily. Not to mention scouting for new supplies every now and again. Haha! A full time occupation FOR LIFE without parole? Well, not if you count those days youve just had it! Like really had it!! When you simply dont care at all how you look and matching clothes feels like pushing together non-matching, never-ever-matching puzzle pieces. Perhaps even more so with reuse clothes, which in themselves are all pieces from different puzzles and come to match only through pure luck, careful consideration or joyful fitting..
Now I get messed up
And I fool around
But there`s no fun anymore
The conclusion Ive come to? Take a holiday from time to time! Perfection is an illusion anyhow! ;)
Ive discovered that I sometimes enjoy in a rebellious, beauty world anarchist, kind of way strolling around the city without make up, in sneakers, cool trousers and a sexy blouse feeling absolutely beautiful with the blue under my eyes. AND IM NOT THE ONLY ONE - It has possibly even become the newest beauty trend in Hollywood cinema! About time Id say! Hahaha!
And the song continues:
Remember memories you owe
Won`t bring back those special days
But Ive also discovered that THE PERFECT moment for experimenting is at the lowest of inspirational lows - theres just no more joy to loose. And at the lowest of lows youve probably let go of all that stylish-is-only-that and beautiful-is-only-this bs - a program all of us download from the society and keep running at our own expenses, haha. And letting go of such beliefs is liberating as hell! Never know, you might create your style anew on one of those moments.
On one of those moments I dressed a new faux fur, a beret (always favorite), retro earrings, dark blue pleat skirt (classic), tights** (not experimenting with winter), random boots (to fit wool socks), handbag with a golden chain (unworn for years) and a marc o`polo retro sweater.
Btw. Just remembered that at Uni a professor told our class that some students dont even know the difference between Marco Polo and Marc O`Polo and well.. I was one of those students!! Perfectly knew who was Marco Polo, but had no idea who was the latter! Hahaha! I just never have cared much about labels - wearing them on ones chest is kind of as if a cow shooting a number tag (to whom belongs) in her own ear. So, dressing up with one of such items must have been a new lowest of lows for me. Haha! But have to admit that it was so freakishly different from my regular style, that I actually even liked it! Hahaha! Program updated!
*we - Very many women and some men
**tights - Only non sec hand item on the list
**tights - Only non sec hand item on the list
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