A quick peak into my oh so eclectic wardrobe. Dark grey pleated high-waisted split skirt trousers are still unworn by me (cant say that about someone else though :D) - moms most recent finding for me. The body in the upper right corner is my most recent finding - new from a second hand shop. Perfect for keeping warm and also for going to a surprise party - pulling off all the sweaters, it can be worn as a skin-tight sexy blouse.
Hangers - just as eclectic as the wardrobe itself!
Being a woman is either hard or just fun. Or it can be both. Especially at moments standing in front of my closets and it suddenly strikes - Im a woman with mostly reuse wardrobe (over 90% of it for sure).
And why is it such a striking little epiphany? Because shopping second hand means buying stripes, dots, lace, ruffles, ribbons, bold cuts, frills, latex, fake fur, glitter - and all of it in all colors. Its almost as if a card game - you never know what kind of a hand youll be dealt, but once dealt, youll need to kick ass with the cards youve got. Second hand shopping and dressing is really just like that. And Im hooked, its a wonderful thrill. But sometimes it is also just a hell of a hard thing to get a matching outfit out of this non-matching wardrobe. In my moments of absolute despair - I simply get dressed and decide that it matches. Well, I simply couldnt stay undressed - it would be as if not playing at all.
Right to the point!
Naiseks olemine on kas keeruline või lihtsalt lõbus. Või hoopis mõlemat. Eriti hetkedel kui seisan kapi ees ja mind tabab järsku äratundmine - olen naine, kelle garderoob koosneb peamiselt taaskaskasutusesemetest (üle 90% kohe kindlasti).
Ja miks on see nõnda rabav väike ilmutus? Kuna second handi ostmine tähendab triipe, täppe, pitsi, volte, paelu, julgeid lõikeid, sitse-satse, lateksit, kunstkarusnahka, litreid - ja kõike seda kõikvõimalikes värvides. See on nagu kaardimäng - kunagi ei tea, millised kaardid võivad kätte sattuda, kord juba käes, tuleb nendega aga mängus rokkida. Second handi ostmine ja kandmine just nii toimibki. Olen sõltuvuses ja see on võrratult põnev. Kuid mõni kord on ikka paganama raske panna n.ö. mitte-sobivast garderoobist kokku omavahel sobiv riietus. Absoluutse meeleheite momentidel - panen lihtsalt riidesse ja otsustan, et see sobibki kõik kokku. Ei saaks ju lihtsalt riietumata jätta - see oleks justkui mängust veel enne algust välja astumine.
Wearing my fake fur last weekend. And the whole outfit is reuse, including earrings which were a great gift from dear friend Elise.
Ps. Going to the cinema today and will be wearing something-something from this first photo too! See you at PÖFF!